

please join us

Meeting times

If you are not familiar with a worship service, or have not attended for a while, please know that you are always welcome.

  • Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00am
  • Sunday School for all ages: 8:45am


We’re located 1/4-mile south of Route 70 on Kings Highway. For detailed directions to our location, click here.

520 S. Kings Highway
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Phone: (856) 429-1225

office hours

Our doors are open for visitors who have questions.

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

What to expect


We do follow a liturgy that encourages participation. However, it is easy to follow and is printed out in a program and on overhead screens. We believe God-centered worship should transcend style and trends, and therefore we seek to use the best from all ages. Therefore, our music doesn’t fit normal paradigms, and is neither contemporary nor traditional, but attempts to use the musical gifts and talents of those in our church. Our goal is to have a celebrative service that is God-centered in form and music, and firmly grounded in our Biblical, Reformed heritage.  You can read more about how we have designed our worship service by reading Our Philosophy of Worship



Central to our service is a message, or sermon, that comes from Scripture and shows us how to apply God’s Word to  everyday life. We believe that preaching from the Scriptures is foundational and God’s way of revealing Himself and His blessings to His people. We are part of the Reformed tradition that has always placed great emphasis on the intellect, with a conviction that God transforms the heart by first stirring and informing the intellect. Our goal is to inform the mind and inflame the heart.



We take up an offering in every service, which is called tithing, because we believe this should be part of our worship. Our church is entirely funded through the generosity of our members. As our guests, please feel free to let the offering plate pass you by, as we want you to enjoy your time with us without any financial obligation.



A safe, fully staffed and welcoming nursery is available for newborns up to the age of 4 during our worship services. Children are welcome in the service and children ages 5 through 2nd grade may go to Children’s Worship during the message. If your child becomes noisy, or needs to move around, you can take them to the Parlor and hear and see the service from there.


disabled facilities

We have dedicated disability parking as well as wheel chair access. In addition, an elevator is available for lower level access, and ushers are available for assistance if needed.